Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's 7:30 and the day is coming to a close. The birds out my window are still chirping, but one by one they find their nests. A cool breeze ripples through the trees, and the sun continues to fade. It has been another beautiful day here in my Papa's creation.

Soon the light disappears, the birds become silent, the stars work their way through the clouds. My house turns quiet and still as everyone finds their beds. The cat curls up on my lap, the dog finds her place on the rug. Now is my time with God.

As I look back over the day, once question appears in my mind: Did I live today in full submission to my Master? I am afraid I don't want to answer that question, because I know there was more I could do. I could've encouraged the girl who was down, spent more time helping another learn, or given a smile to those I passed. I should have loved the least of these, should have seen them through God's eyes, should have let go of my pride and selfishness.

And it's now that I feel a tug on my heart, a tug from my dearest Lord.

"Be still, My child, and know that I AM God. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I created your inmost being--I knew you before you were born. I know full well that you are not perfect--that's why I came and died in your place. When you're tempted to beat yourself up, remember I love you so. I ask you to work your hardest, to allow Me to shine through your life. Let Me use your imperfections and mold you to My will."

His words have left me speechless. How can I ever thank Him for what His love has done? I'll give Him what I have--I'll give Him back the life He gave me.

From now on when I wake in the morning, I will give my day to my God. When questioned if I submitted to my Master, my response shall be yes; yes, I did.